
Can we imagine life without colours?
More than just pleasure for the eyes, colours are linked to the human emotions, moods, characters and whims…….

I believe that colours do have magic, just like music, the ingredients to a beautiful recipe that touches our soul.

Hope you enjoy the trip with a collection of my drawings and paintings, and a selection of some favorites from master artists!


My galleries

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Drawing & painting exhibition

''Models and portraits'' was the theme of the art exhibition from january 15th till february 15th at Cantinella in Paris. I used mainly charcoal as I believe it helps highlghting expressions and traits. Besides the charcoal, drawing with a brush dipped in turpentine added an effect of wash painting. I used also black and white chalk pastel to highlght the contrast.The exhibition consisted of thirteen works and included three oil paintings.